Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh

July 06, 2017

Note: The PostScript Color Management Option converts the file's color data to \u003cbr\u003e\nthe printer's color space. ... Creating a Compressed \u003cb\u003eZIP File\u003c/b\u003e To reduce the \u003cbr\u003e\nstorage size of a file without discarding any of its data, you can create a \u003cbr\u003e\ncompressed ...

Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh by"Peter Lourekas","Elaine Weinmann"

Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh

This package (ISBN: 0132756331) contains: 1 access card for access to the MyGraphicsLab Photoshop course 1 copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5: Visual QuickStart Guide print text 1 copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5: Visual QuickStart Guide e-Text Product Description MyGraphicsLab is an exciting new learning solution that will challenge you with creative assignments that are fresh and applicable to today’s design field. In order to use MyGraphicsLab, you will need a CourseID provided by your instructor; MyGraphicsLab is not a self-study product and does require you to be in an instructor-led course. Customers without a CourseID will not be able to use MyGraphicsLab. MyGraphicsLab includes: Premium-quality video tutorials: These videos show graphic design tools in action and provide an engaging multimedia experience with real-world examples and demonstrations. Fresh and innovative projects: The projects come with downloadable project files that reinforce core concepts and offer opportunity for creative hands-on experience. Pre- or post-test quizzes: Allow you to track your progress and see where you may need extra attention. eText: When you purchase MyGraphicsLab with any of the companion texts, the entire eText version can be accessed in one easy click from the main eText page. You’ll be able to easily navigate between MyGraphicsLab and the eText to read course assignments, bookmark relevant material, search for content, highlight text, take notes, and review for quizzes. Visit for more information or go directly to to purchase immediate access to MyGraphicsLab with your instructor’s CourseID.

Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh
By:"Peter Lourekas","Elaine Weinmann"
Published on 2010-06-09 by Pearson Education

BOOKS ID : 4kozn3-00-oC

Ebook Title : Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh

ETAG : JeLmfHC0q1Y

ISBN_13 Code : 9780132779470

ISBN_10 Code : 0132779471

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 4 for keyword photoshop zip file

Book Author :"Peter Lourekas","Elaine Weinmann"

Publisher : Pearson Education

Book Pages Count : 504

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Computers"

Books Language : en


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