JavaScript. Problem. You have a favorite tool, such as Photoshop or Adobe Bridge, or a favorite application, such as OpenOffice. You want to add an extension or macro that takes a set of behaviors written in JavaScript and integrates it into the ...
JavaScript Cookbook by"Shelley Powers"
Why reinvent the wheel every time you run into a problem with JavaScript? This cookbook is chock-full of code recipes that address common programming tasks, as well as techniques for building web apps that work in any browser. Just copy and paste the code samples into your project—you’ll get the job done faster and learn more about JavaScript in the process. You'll also learn how to take advantage of the latest features in ECMAScript 5 and HTML5, including the new cross-domain widget communication technique, HTML5's video and audio elements, and the drawing canvas. You'll find recipes for using these features with JavaScript to build high-quality application interfaces. Create interactive web and desktop applications Work with JavaScript objects, such as String, Array, Number, and Math Use JavaScript with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and the canvas element Store data in various ways, from the simple to the complex Program the new HTML5 audio and video elements Implement concurrent programming with Web Workers Use and create jQuery plug-ins Use ARIA and JavaScript to create fully accessible rich internet applications
JavaScript Cookbook
By:"Shelley Powers"
Published on 2010-07-07 by \
BOOKS ID : kW0s1IrlbnIC
Ebook Title : JavaScript Cookbook
ETAG : b1gyHQ/nU9o
ISBN_13 Code : 9781449395926
ISBN_10 Code : 1449395929
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 3 for keyword photoshop javascript
Book Author :"Shelley Powers"
Publisher : \
Book Pages Count : 554
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Computers"
Books Language : en
Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED
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