Photoshop Masking & Compositing

July 31, 2017

Photoshop Masking & Compositing, Second Edition Katrin Eismann, Seán Duggan, and James Porto New Riders 1249 Eighth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510/5242178 510/5242221 (fax) Find us on the Web at: To report ...

Photoshop Masking & Compositing by"Katrin Eismann","Sean Duggan","James Porto"

Photoshop Masking & Compositing

Designers, photographers, and artists use Photoshop to create fantastic and realistic images for illustrations, fine art, and editorial content. Whether they're landscape or portrait photographers, illustrators or fine artists, masking and compositing are essential skills to master for combining images to the extent that it is impossible to tell where one image stops and the other one begins. In this completely revised edition of her best-selling guide to masking and compositing, Photoshop artist and educator Katrin Eismann--along with compositing experts Sean Duggan and James Porto--takes readers through numerous step-by-step examples, highlighting the tools and techniques used for masking and combining images. Featuring work by leading artists and photographers, this book focuses on the techniques used to create compelling compositions, including making fast and accurate selections, mastering Photoshop's masking tools, and implementing the concept and photography from start to finish. The book addresses working with Photoshop's selection tools; selecting and maintaining fine details and edges; and working with difficult image elements, such as cloth, hair, or translucent objects. All-new photographic examples, updated instruction to cover the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, and an expanded section on shooting photographs for composite work make this a must-have guide for anyone interested in photographing and creating professional composite images. Visit to download dozens of the images featured in this book and practice the illustrated techniques with the same files used in the book. Also, download a full, free chapter on how to use the Pen Tool, one of the best selection tools in Photoshop.

Photoshop Masking & Compositing
By:"Katrin Eismann","Sean Duggan","James Porto"
Published on 2012-08-24 by New Riders


Ebook Title : Photoshop Masking & Compositing


ISBN_13 Code : 9780132117296

ISBN_10 Code : 0132117290

Book Print Type : BOOK

Rank : 2 for keyword photoshop james

Book Author :"Katrin Eismann","Sean Duggan","James Porto"

Publisher : New Riders

Book Pages Count : 504

Print Type : BOOK

Book's Categories :"Computers"

Books Language : en


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