TEXT See "Adobe Photoshop CS2's Object Model" on page 9 for information on the relationship between ... TEXT) Adding and manipulating text in a text item object The following example adds and right-justify text in a text layer. var ...
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Official JavaScript Reference by
Do you spend too much time doing repetitive production tasks such as placing and replacing images, resizing them, dragging them from one document to another, and preparing images for printing instead of being creative? Do you use Adobe Photoshop CS2 and have some experience with scripting? You're in luck. Since Adobe Creative Suite 2 was created with built-in support for scripting, virtually every repetitive or time-consuming task that creative professionals have to do in the Adobe Creative Suite can be streamlined with the help of a script. This book describes how to use JavaScript to manipulate and extend Adobe Photoshop within Adobe Creative Suite 2, and provides reference information for the JavaScript objects, properties, and functions defined by Adobe's applications. Now available in print for the first time, this scripting reference provides the information experienced JavaScript users need to create custom scripts for Photoshop, whether you're looking to automate Camera Raw options and settings, automatically resize and export large batches of images into your page-layout application, or want to automatically add metadata, like a copyright notice, to selected image files. These are just a few examples of how you can use Photoshop CS2's built-in scripting capabilities to save you from hours of repetitive tasks.
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Official JavaScript Reference
Published on 2006 by
Ebook Title : Adobe Photoshop CS2 Official JavaScript Reference
ETAG : 395XiDL/gtk
ISBN_13 Code : 9780321409706
ISBN_10 Code : 0321409701
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 26 for keyword photoshop justify text
Book Author :
Publisher :
Book Pages Count : 409
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Computers"
Books Language : en
Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED
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