This book covers: 1.
JavaScript and JQuery by"Jon Duckett"
This book covers: 1. Basic programming concepts - assuming no prior knowledge of programming beyond an ability to create a web page using HTML & CSS ; 2. Core elements of the JavaScript language - so you can learn how to write your own scripts from scratch ; 3. jQuery - which will allow you to simplify the process of writing scripts (this is introduced half-way through the book once you have a solid understanding of JavaScript) ; 4. How to recreate techniques you will have seen on other web sites such as sliders, content filters, form validation, updating content using Ajax, and more. Each chapter: Breaks subjects down into bite-sized chunks with a new topic on each page ; Contains clear descriptions of syntax, each one demonstrated with inspiring code samples ; Uses diagrams and photography to explain complex concepts in a visual way. This book enables you to use & customize thousands of scripts, JavaScript APIs, and jQuery plugins that are freely available on the web as well as create your own scripts from scratch.
JavaScript and JQuery
By:"Jon Duckett"
Published on 2014-07-21 by John Wiley & Sons
Ebook Title : JavaScript and JQuery
ISBN_13 Code : 9781118871652
ISBN_10 Code : 1118871650
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 30 for keyword photoshop jobs in bangalore
Book Author :"Jon Duckett"
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
Book Pages Count : 640
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Computers"
Books Language : en
Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED
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