So what's to be done? This practical book provides a roadmap and set of practices and principles that will help you keep your focus on the the experience back, rather than the deliverables.
Lean UX by"Jeff Gothelf","Josh Seiden"
UX design has traditionally been deliverables-based. Wireframes, site maps, flow diagrams, content inventories, taxonomies, mockups helped define the practice in its infancy. Over time, however, this deliverables-heavy process has put UX designers in the deliverables business. Many are now measured and compensated for the depth and breadth of their deliverables instead of the quality and success of the experiences they design. Designers have become documentation subject matter experts, known for the quality of the documents they create instead of the end-state experiences being designed and developed. So what's to be done? This practical book provides a roadmap and set of practices and principles that will help you keep your focus on the the experience back, rather than the deliverables. Get a tactical understanding of how to successfully integrate Lean and UX/Design Find new material on business modeling and outcomes to help teams work more strategically Delve into the new chapter on experiment design Take advantage of updated examples and case studies
Lean UX
By:"Jeff Gothelf","Josh Seiden"
Published on 2016-09-12 by \
Ebook Title : Lean UX
ETAG : UeiJgiTS+Es
ISBN_13 Code : 9781491953570
ISBN_10 Code : 1491953578
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 19 for keyword photoshop zeplin
Book Author :"Jeff Gothelf","Josh Seiden"
Publisher : \
Book Pages Count : 208
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Business & Economics"
Books Language : en
Text to Speech Access : ALLOWED
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