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Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques by"Ben Willmore","Dan Ablan"
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques has been completely updated to cover the new features in CS4. In a friendly, easy-going style that's long on information and short on techno-babble, Photoshop Hall-of-Famer Ben Willmore and photographer Dan Ablan guide you through the concepts and features that will truly make a difference in how you use Photoshop every day. They'll take you from blindly following step-by-step instructions to an in-depth understanding of how Photoshop works, cutting through the fat to focus on what they consider to be Photoshop's essential features. This full-color book delivers the content in three easily digestible sections: Working Foundations, Production Essentials, and Creative Explorations. Streamlined for this new edition, the book will distill Photoshop's vast capabilities down to what you need to know for a full understanding of the program, while simultaneously focusing more directly on best practices for the photographer. Beginning with a quick \
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques
By:"Ben Willmore","Dan Ablan"
Published on 2009-03-10 by Adobe Press
Ebook Title : Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques
ISBN_13 Code : 9780132316439
ISBN_10 Code : 0132316439
Book Print Type : BOOK
Rank : 30 for keyword photoshop zoom
Book Author :"Ben Willmore","Dan Ablan"
Publisher : Adobe Press
Book Pages Count : 480
Print Type : BOOK
Book's Categories :"Computers"
Books Language : en
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